Our Mediators
Our Mediators
The CMC mediators are volunteers from all walks of life, different age groups, ethnicities and professions.

The CMC mediators are volunteers who have been specifically selected, trained and appointed for a specific tenure by the Minister for Law.
The CMC voluntary panel is a key distinctive feature of the Singapore system. While those who volunteer to assist in CMC mediation are typically individuals who have a heart from the community and take pride in rendering their services pro bono, the CMC’s system of volunteer management takes cognizance of the importance of volunteer recognition and professional development and this is done through the Mediator Management Framework.

The appointment and re-appointment criteria of CMC Mediators is governed by the Mediator Management Framework.
All candidates who have applied to become CMC mediators will undergo the following process: * Application * Selection * Assessment * Apprenticeship * Appointment
Mediators must mediate a minimum number of cases successfully and attend the required number of training hours before they can re-appointed for the following term.
Mediators who have served in the CMC as a volunteer over the years can look forward to progressing to the following higher tiers if they have shown exceptional mediation skills:
Master Mediator

Executive Master Mediator

Principal Master Mediator